Hey all...
I don't know how many of you will recognize my name. I gave Paul the space for the old (now inaccessible) forums and wiki at eventhorizon.caphector.com.
To make a long story short, after giving Paul the forums I moved from doing my own sites on the server that hosts caphector.com to being the lead admin for the server (Lots of domains, lots of users) and didn't have the time to devote to the old forum...and I neglected to make sure Paul had my contact info so he could ask questions/get additional access. The reason I'm here today is that I noticed some odd e-mails leaving the server related to the old site, and saw that the forum had been moved, mostly because of my neglect.
As an apology of sorts, I archived most of the data from the old forum/wiki/site and sent it over to Paul.
Based on the number of spam accounts at the old forums I took eventhorizon.caphector.com completely offline. To make sure nothing is lost, I zipped up the wiki, the old forum database, and a few other things and sent them over to Paul.
If there's anything I've missed I can sent that along as well.
Cap'n Hector